How to Care for Plumerias During the Fall & Winter Season

How to Care for Plumerias During the Fall & Winter Season
Many customers have dropped in to ask why their Plumerias foliage is turning yellow and even starting to defoliate. Fortunately, this is a natural response to the local climate turning cool to cold. Very common for Plumerias at this time of the year in our location. Depending on the variety and flower color, some plants will either start partially or completely defoliating around November. Don’t worry. The common response is “they don’t defoliate in Hawaii.” Southern California has a totally different climate. It’s beneficial for plants to go dormant. They store their energy until the weather warms up, then pushes new foliage and flowers.
Last year my Plumerias started pushing around the later part of April through May because of the cooler temperatures.
Caring for your Plumerias in the fall and winter is simple. If you wish for them to continue blooming and maintain lush foliage, then simply bring them inside your home and put them in one of our modern indoor planters in a well-lit place. Make sure to water thoroughly and drain well before bringing them inside. Watering is usually not necessary while they are inside, but this depends on how large the container is and if the plants are near a heating vent. If your plants have no leaves, I would not water them at all until they start to push new foliage in the spring. It is not necessary to add fertilizers at this time.