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The Carmen Pepper:
A 2024 Pepper of the Year Guide
Introduction In the diverse and vibrant world of horticulture, every year brings a new star to the spotlight. For 2024,...

Pepper of the Year:
If you're a gardener looking to grow something new and exciting this year, Habanada peppers should definitely be on your...

From Mild to Wild: 10 Essential Tools for a Great Pepper Season
Peppers are one of the most popular and versatile vegetables used in cooking. They come in various colors and shapes,...

Your Guide To Mexican Peppers
Mexican peppers are some of the most amazing chili peppers in the world. They are renowned for their rich and...

Meet The Leysa: Sweetest Pepper in the World
The Leysa pepper, considered the sweetest pepper in the world, is a cultivated variety, known for its delicious flavor and...

Understanding The Pepper Scoville Heat Scale
Pepper Scoville Heat Scale is a quantitative measure of the pungency or spiciness of chili peppers, as well as other...

What Are The Best Peppers to Grow in Southern California?
When it comes to peppers, Southern California offers a favorable climate for growing a variety of different types. Peppers are...

Spice Up Your Garden With Our Guide to Growing Peppers
Peppers are some of the easiest vegetables to grow, so we always recommend growing them if you’re a beginner looking...